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Access dictionary

Accessing Elements in Python Dictionaries

Dictionaries, fundamental data structures in Python, store collections of key-value pairs. Accessing these elements efficiently is crucial for working with dictionary data. Here's a breakdown of the primary methods:

1. Direct Access Using Keys

The most common way to access a value is by using the key within square brackets []
Accessing dictionaries using keys in python my_dict = {"name": "Alice", "age": 30, "city": "New York"} name = my_dict["name"] print(name) # Output: Alice


This method is efficient and straightforward when you know the exact key you want to retrieve.

2. get(key, default) Method

The get(key, default) method provides a safer way to access values. It takes two arguments: ⮚ key: The key you want to access. ⮚ default (optional): A default value to return if the key is not found.
Access dictionary using get() method in python phonebook = {"Alice": "123-456-7890", "Bob": "987-654-3210"} alice_number = phonebook.get("Alice") # Returns "123-456-7890" charlie_number = phonebook.get("Charlie", "Not Found") # Returns "Not Found" (key not present) print(alice_number,'\n', charlie_number)


123-456-7890 Not Found
This method is useful to avoid KeyError exceptions if the key might not exist. You can specify a meaningful default value.

3. Looping Through Key-Value Pairs

To iterate through all key-value pairs in a dictionary, use a for loop
Access dictionary using key-value pair Looping owner_info = {"name": "Sathish", "email": "", "phone": "1234567890"} for key, value in owner_info.items(): print(f"{key}: {value}")


name: Sathish email: phone: 1234567890
This approach is helpful when you need to process all elements in the dictionary.
Additional Methods (Less Common): keys(): Returns a view of all keys in the dictionary (useful for iterating over just keys). values(): Returns a view of all values in the dictionary (useful for iterating over just values). Important Considerations: ⯄ Keys in dictionaries must be unique and immutable (unchangeable) data types like strings, numbers, or tuples. ⯄ Accessing a non-existent key using direct access [] will raise a KeyError. Use get() to handle this scenario gracefully.


★python ★ Dictionary
